
KeyboardController (Xbox Layout)
WASD / ArrowsLeft Stick / D-Pad
ScrollRight Stick, Left / Right Shoulder
Reset Zoom
0Right Stick Press
Spawn Bee
Clear Flock
Follow CursorT
ExitEscSelect + Start

A boid, or a "bird-oid object," is an emergent system which "simulates the flocking behavior of birds" by steering each individual boid using a simple set of rules. This demo is an example of the boids algorithm extended to bees in Unity.

Each bee in this demo adheres to the following set of rules:

  • Separation: steer away from nearby boids
  • Stay in Bounds: steer towards the center of the map if out of bounds
  • Wander and Pollinate: steer towards random points, pollinating flowers if possible

To demonstrate the flexible/dynamic nature of these rules, you can toggle a 'Cursor Follow' rule that steers each bee towards the position of the cursor.

Source is available on GitHub.